Lockbit 2.0, the ransomware behind the Accenture breach

Lockbit ransomware has been around since 2019 but recently released an updated version called Lockbit 2.0. It is another ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) which is a subscription based model allowing partners to use a full-featured already developed ransomware app ready to carry an attack. On their website, they boast their 2.0 version as being the fastest encryption software as well as the fastest upload of stolen data amongst myriads of many other popular ransomwares, all while highlighting the many features of this ransomware.

Upon execution of the ransomware, it disables all running security programs and any other means that could permit system recovery. It spawns a cmd exe to run the following commands:

  • vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet
  • wmic SHADOWCOPY /nointeractive
  •  wmic shadowcopy delete
  •  wbadmin DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -deleteOldest
  •  wbadmin delete catalog -quiet
  •  wevtutil cl system
  •  wevtutil cl security
  •  wevtutil cl application
  •  bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No

It then proceeds to encrypt the victim’s files. All encrypted files bear the lockbit icon and a .lockbit file extension.

It changes the wallpaper with instructions on how to recover the files as well as adding a text file in every directory where files have been encrypted.

On reboot, the victim can’t miss the ransom note because it also adds a run key in the registry which loads an hta file that has the same instructions on how to get the victim’s files back.

Para el ver artículo original: https://securitynews.sonicwall.com/xmlpost/lockbit-2-0-the-ransomware-behind-the-accenture-breach/